When we praise pupils for a job well done we are recognising the effort they put in to a particular task or action. 

Why? When students think they are born with a particular skill, they are less likely to put in additional effort. They practise less, study less, and try less. 

Instead of perpetuating the myth that students are naturally gifted, we focus on offering praise for the effort they put in to reach their goals. Praise can be an extremely important factor in a student’s growth. It is used to motivate, encourage and inspire children. 

Our rewards are focused on pupils behaviours for learning. 

House Points  

A student is either awarded a house point (positive behaviour) or a negative behaviour point seven times throughout the day.  Only one of these two options is available to staff as a child has either met the expectations or has not.  

Badges are awarded each half term in the awards assembly.  

Children are awarded house points for compliance during these times – Excellent work is intrinsically motivated and praised through written or verbal feedback. 

Award Number of positive points to earn Reward 
ShapeBronze 200 Bronze pin badge and certificate 
ShapeSilver 400 Silver badge pin and certificate 
ShapeGold 700 Gold pin badge and certificate 
ShapeRuby 1000 Ruby badge pin and certificate 
ShapeSapphire 1300 Sapphire pin badge and certificate 
ShapeEmerald 1600 Emerald pin badge and certificate 
ShapeDiamond 1900 Diamond pin badge and certificate 

Wall of Fame 

Each week a pupil is nominated by the subject leader for ‘excellence in learning.’ The nominated pupil will display continued effort in learning and compliance with the behaviour for learning rules.  

This is not about achievement or outcomes it is about celebrating excellence in learning behaviours and learning effort.  

The pupil will be awarded their certificate the weekly assembly and appear on our wall of fame! 

Star of the week

Each week the tutor will nominate a child who is displaying continued effort in learning and compliance with the behaviour for learning rules.  

The tutor will read this name out in the weekly assembly and present the pupils with their award.  

Half Termly Awards Assembly  

Each half term we shall celebrate the success of pupils and invite an increasing number of families to join us too.  

Our ABC Awards are: 


  • 97% or above attendance 
  • 100% attendance 


  • House point badges given out. 
  • Top 10 pupils with positive behaviour points in each year group 
  • Zero Hero – Those without any negative behaviour points 


  • Subject – half termly awards. 

We also have two values awards. 

Year teams – Awarded to a pupil who demonstrates the Birchensale values.  
Headteacher – Awarded to a pupil who demonstrates the Birchensale values.