PSHE&C (Personal, Social, Health, Economic education and Citizenship) at Birchensale Middle School aims to prepare children for real life and help them to value themselves as individuals and as members of society. We want our pupils to be equipped with the tools to make well informed choices which will benefit themselves and others as they grow and develop. ​ 

Throughout the PSHE&C lessons, we encourage the development of characteristics for life such as a love of learning, resilience, empathy, integrity, teamwork, critical thinking, and independence. We promote a ‘family’ ideology within our lessons which celebrates diversity and our PSHE&C curriculum reflects the values and ideologies of our multicultural community.​ 

In PSHE&C lessons we develop our students understanding of a range of different topics, to do with health, mental well-being, and relationships. We also encourage our pupils to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it. By building on their confidence we encourage them to share their own thoughts and ideas, develop skills to keep themselves safe and healthy and allow them the space to express themselves clearly but by also showing tolerance of others. ​ 

In order to develop the pupils into responsible global citizens, we run specialised career sessions, interview practices and try to build up their positive, respectful relationships with other people.​ 

How do we deliver PSHE&C at Birchensale Middle School?​ 

All pupils have a weekly PSHE&C lesson.​ 

Medium term planning has been developed by the PSHE&C lead using guidance from The PSHE Association to meet the needs of our pupils.​ 

Medium term planning incorporates PSHE&C lessons and RSE lessons 

All year groups access LGBT+ issues and equal opportunities at an age appropriate level.​ 

Assemblies are planned to cover any additional sessions that would benefit the whole school, Key Stage​ or year group. 


RSE Policy
Learning Journey