Our definition of bullying 

The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online’. 

There are four key elements to this definition: 

  • hurtful 
  • repetition 
  • power imbalance 
  • Intentional 

Other types of negative behaviour 

Many parents are concerned about bullying, protecting their children from it, and making sure their children aren’t engaging in it. But with so much talk about bullying, sometimes we call behaviour “bullying” that is actually not. So how can you tell the difference? Signe Whitson, a child and adolescent therapist, shares this advice on the differences between being rude, mean, and bullying. 

Our response to bullying 

Bullying is not acceptable in any form – please let us know as soon as you have any concerns about bullying whether you child is the victim or the perpetrator.  

For further support and guidance contact your child’s tutor or Year leader. 

More information can be found in our policies section