
Our aim is to establish the highest possible standards of behaviour at Birchensale Middle School. This is important so that the school is always a warm, caring, friendly and happy place where learning can flourish. Students’ behaviour around the school should be impeccable; every lesson should be characterised by a relentless focus on learning, free from distractions. Every student and every member of staff should be able to feel relaxed and happy, confident that their working environment is one where people are kind, courteous and respectful at all times.  

We have very high expectations of our students and a belief that every student is capable of meeting them. The rules are only there because we need them to help us make sure learning can happen in the best possible conditions. Everyone has to follow the rules so that the systems work, and everyone benefits.  

Our Behaviour for Learning system has been developed by learning from the best practice in different schools across the country. It is based on the principle that, once students know the rules and the consequences, they can make the right choices for themselves and for others. When children thrive at school and at home, it is usually because the boundaries are very clear and there are clear consequences if they stray beyond them. Clear boundaries and discipline are completely compatible with a caring and happy atmosphere full of humour and love.  

At school, in every situation where there are rules, students either choose to follow them or they make a choice to break them and face the consequences. The rules have to be clear, and the consequences need to be consistent for this to work and that is our aim in implementing this system. 

The Behaviour Curriculum  

Additional rules to note:  

No toilet breaks are allowed during lessons unless a student has been issued with a pass by prior agreement between home and school. NB: On rare occasions at the teacher’s discretion this may allow, however the pupil will need to make up the lost time at break or lunch.  

No water breaks are allowed during lessons, except as directed in PE. Water is freely available during breaktime, lunchtime and lesson changeovers.  

No mobile phones or smart watches in school. 

Overview of response to the disruption of learning. 

Where a child disrupts learning, the class teacher will correct those behaviours. If behaviours continue to  disrupt learning the child will be given a verbal warning ,then moved seats and then removed from the classroom.  

We now have a removal room which is known as the ‘refocus room’.  If a child is removed from the lesson they will be taken to the refocus room for the remainder of that lesson.  If there are repeaded disruptions to learning a child may spend longer in refocus.  

As arriving late to school disrupts those who are already in the classroom, detentions will be issued where a child arrives late to school. If a child is repeatedly late (e.g. more than once in a week or late once a week every week) then a Pastoral detention will be issued. 


Restorative Conversation 

This is not a formal sanction but will be used by teachers to reset a pupils understanding of the norms, rules and routines within school and the classroom. 

It is not intended to be a conversation that exceeds 10 minutes and it is not intended to feel like a sanction/detention. 

Personal Detention  

This detention is expected to last no more than 15 minutes and can be as short as 5 minutes. 

The teacher will issue this at a break or lunch time.  

This can give the teacher the opportunity to restore their working relationship and expectations with the pupil. 

It is issued as a response to disruption of learning or misbehaviour. 

Pastoral Detention 

This formal detention is 30 minutes in duration and is led by a member of the pastoral team. 

It is issued as a response to persistent disruption of learning, misbehaviours, or failure to accept/attend sanctions.  

School Detention 

This formal detention is 1 hour in duration and is led by a member of the pastoral team. 

It is issued as a response to persistent disruption of learning, Misbehaviours, or failure to accept/attend sanctions.  

Removal Room 

A pupil is removed from lesson and sits in this room for the remainder of the lesson where they have been removed from their lesson 


Where there is persistent or significant misbehaviour a child will receive their education here for the full day. (This is up to a maximum period of five consecutive days) 

It is issued as a response to persistent disruption of learning, Misbehaviours, or failure to accept/attend sanctions.  


A pupil is removed from school for a fixed period. 

As an alternative we may explore off-site direction as an alternative or an alternative provision. 

NB: Off-site direction or alternative provision is where a pupil is directed to continue their education elsewhere for a fixed period of time with a view to returning to Birchensale Middle School. 

Permanent Exclusion 

A pupil is removed from school. 

As an alternative we may explore a managed move to another school.  

NB: Managed Moves are used to initiate a process leading to a permanent transfer of a pupil to another mainstream school, as part of a behaviour management process. It is not intended that the pupil returns to Birchensale Middle School. 

Support Framework  

A child’s level of support is tracked by a RAB (Red, Amber, and Blue) rating.  

Progress will be tracked against targets and where possible a child is deescalated from this support mechanism.  

Where there is no progress, a child may continue at the existing level with adaptations to targets or be escalated to the next provision.  


Please visit our policies page to view the whole behaviour policy