Zoe Weatherly, Trust Local Governor

I have been a secondary school teacher for 25 years. 15 of those years were spent as Head of Modern Foreign Languages, within the Bordesley MAT, at Trinity High school. In addition, I held the position of staff governor there for 12 years. Currently, I am Head of Languages at Alcester Academy in Warwickshire where I teach French and German. I also maintain whole school responsibility for Pupil Premium, Educational visits and form tutor activities. As a child, I completed all of my schooling within Redditch so feel an affinity to the town, in supporting its young people and in improving educational outcomes. I am looking forward to being part of Birchensale’s journey over the next few years. 

Ian Dipple, Parent Governor

I was a journalist and local newspaper editor for 22 years and currently work in marketing and communications in the local government sector. Several members of my family are teachers or involved in education and so it is something I am surrounded by and have a passion for. I am delighted to have been appointed a parent governor and will do whatever I can to support the school on its improvement journey while also providing constructive, critical challenge where necessary. Together we can help inspire and support our pupils to achieve their full potential.